Process / product development or Value-Added Value Engineering (VA / VE) is a methodology that helps create value for customers, shareholders and associates.
Value Analysis (VA) is focused on existing products / processes. With a team, we will be analyzed and evaluated your current product / process. Goals of this methodology are to improve product function and/or reduce costs. The range of analysis includes costs, function, alternative components and design aspects, all aspects which might simplify the production.
Value Engineering (VE) is dedicated to new products / processes during their development phases. Goals of this methodology are to improve product function and/or reduce costs by way of teamwork-based analysis and product evaluation. This methodology has to be used before any potential investments.
The lean canvas used by startups for Process / product development
For each type of customers (segments), this tool allows you to determine problems that you can encounter, your customers, your Unique Value Proposition (UVP), solutions available, your sales funnels, your revenues and costs, your key metrics and your unfair advantage.
By using the Lean canvas, it will be faster than writing a business plan and will help you to minimize wastes before launching a product / service.

Have you already try to use Value-Added / Value Engineering / Lean Canvas to improve your new product launches? What were your results with this action? Please, feel free to contact our consultant.